Thursday, February 28, 2019

From Sandpoint to Sakakabe: A Jade Regent Campaign: Part 1


The Rusty Dragon Inn usually isn't too busy in the morning, aside from a few regulars and the occasional adventurers looking for work. It's a clean, colorful place owned and operated by people who love it dearly, and despite the somewhat disreputable clientele it often attracts, it's clean, it's warm, and the beer is only watered down on request.

Two men stand across a round wooden table, looking at a notice warrant. Sherrif Hemlock has recently reinstated Sandpoint's old bounty on goblin ears, ten gold for each, and both men are interested in collecting. One is a half-orc, massive in scale, his trailworn clothing dark and simple and his long, black hair tangled and unkempt. His companion is nominally human, though his slate-gray skin and wine-colored eyes mark him as an unusual specimen of his kind. He fidgets with the silver pendant of Torag around his neck, clearly uncomfortable.

These two men, Molido the half-orc and Zaphkael the human (... ?), have been trying and failing all morning to drum up interest among their fellow patrons to pursue the goblin bounty. Neither are particularly good with people; Molido inherited more than his fair share of orc blood, and Zaphkael has found the struggle to adjust to the "real" world significantly easier to hide from than to face head-on. In fact, he's only here because his adoptive mother, Koya, basically forced him to be.

The two have been hoping to speak to Ameiko Kaijutsu, the Rusty Dragon's owner, a beautiful and intelligent young woman of about the same age. Unlike them, Ameiko has lived the adventurer's life before, and would be a valuable asset to them if they could convince her to join. Unfortunately, between running her inn and her late father's glassworks, they've hardly caught more than a glimpse of her so far today.

The small chime above the tavern's door rings, and the pair look up to see who has entered. To their surprise, no one has... until, several seconds later, the chime rings again as a tall, handsome man with a leonine mane of golden hair steps beneath it. Zaphkael recognizes him; they've met before, the last time this man, Lord Brixton VonDressler, came to visit Mother Koya. The two make eye contact and exchange nods of recognition, and Brixton, after ordering an ale, joins them at the table.

He explains that Koya requested his presence in Sandpoint, citing a Desna-granted vision that he would soon be involved in something important. Zaphkael and Molido outline the mission that they're hoping to embark on: venture into Brinestump Marsh and track down the Licktoad tribe of goblins which have recently been attacking caravans on the Old Coast Road with an arsenal of fireworks they had recently acquired.

Brixton agrees to lend them his sword, and Ameiko Kaijutsu finally makes a real appearance at her tavern. Delivering a platter of beer and food, the relatively seasoned ex-adventurer offers them some advice; find Walthus Proudstump, a somewhat antisocial halfling living in the marsh as its self-appointed "warden," and don't underestimate how dangerous goblins can be in large numbers. She tells the group that she'd actually like to accompany them, but the demands on her time from both the Rusty Dragon and the Kaijutsu Glassworks won't allow her to step away for an adventure right now. She does, however, volunteer to direct any young adventurers who might be interested in helping into the swamps after them as reinforcements.

After a meal and a brief arm wrestling contest against a local blacksmith's apprentice (which Molido generously lost to help the young man's self-confidence), the new team of adventurers set out to Brinestump Marsh in search of their destiny.

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